High-Performance Virtual SAN/NAS
Scale-Out Your SAN/NAS Into The Cloud
Most Primary Data is Cold
On-prem and in-cloud apps and clients require access to high-performance storage. Yet, as enterprises seek to reduce infrastructure footprint, maintaining on-prem racks of mostly cold data becomes less and less attractive.
Need Performance
Enterprise applications require high-speed access to critical data.

Most Data is Cold
Enterprise data is hottest in first 72 hours. 75-90% of 90 day old data is cool or outright cold.
High Cost
Storing so much cold data is unnecessarily expensive.
Cloud storage is compelling but consuming it efficiently is not easy.
Security of primary data is critical, but achieving it often conflicts with performance requirements.
Need Global Access
Setting up reliable inter-continent access across multiple SAN/NAS clusters is not trivial.
How SANScaler Achieves SSD Performance with Minimal On-Prem Footprint
SANScaler is a high-performance, vendor agnostic, multi-cloud solution delivering high-performance low-latency, redundant enterprise SAN volumes and NFS/SMB filesystems on-premise without a significant physical storage footprint.

Ultra High Performance
SSD speeds on-prem. Smart dynamic caching enables cold data to migrate into the cloud.
Near-Zero Footprint
No large infrastructure footprints. Access cloud pricing without sacrificing performance.
Immediate Cost Savings
Orders of magnitude reduction in your SAN/NAS costs. Access competitive cloud pricing.
Strong Protection
Operate in a Zero Trust paradigm. Protect end-to-end. Breaches do not impact fully-protected data.
Zero Disruption Adoption
Standard APIs. Applications and users can continue using existing systems with no disruption.
Global Access
Access your data from anywhere in the world without having to replicate infrastructure footprint.
SANScaler also plugs seamlessly into StorageFabric to benefit from all its capabilities, including multi-cloud backends, protection, unified access control, global visibility, unified identities, enhanced resiliency, and many more.
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